Shipping from ¥490. First delivery for free!

My Account

Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.

Switching Your Subscription

  1. Under your active subscription, locate the button “Change Selections”. Click this button to start the switching process.
  2. After making the desired changes and pressing “Confirm selections”, move to the checkout to review and finalise the changes by completing the checkout process.

If case you’ve changed the order size, the new price will come into effect at the next renewal.

if you wish to switch your subscription’s delivery frequency, please contact us.

If you wish to switch your subscription category (e.g. from SLURP original to SLURO organic), please start creating a new subscription from scratch. Do not forget to suspend or cancel your old subscription to avoid unwanted payment. If you want, you can of course have more than 2 different subscriptions.

Explanation of each action buttons:

  • Suspend: To put your subscription on hold. You can activate it anytime later.
  • Cancel: To cancel your subscription itself completely. You can’t activate it anymore.

We wish you slurpably good coffee moments with your new subscription!

Updating Your Payment Card

  1. If your subscription is active, press the button “Change Payment”. Otherwise, reactivate your subscription first.
  2. You are taken to a summary page. At the bottom you can see the payment cards you have used before.
  3. If you want to use a new card, select “Use a new Credit Card”. You will be redirected to our payment processor Stripe’s page.
  4. Fill in the new card details and proceed.
  5. The new payment card has now been saved and the continuing arrival of most delicious artisan coffees is ensured. We wish you slurpably good coffee moments!

SLURP subscription Billing and Shipping Schedule

Billing & Shipping

The SLURP subscriptions should slip into your postal box every two (or four) weeks.

The SLURP subscriptions are billed 14 days prior to the scheduled arrival of the coffee at your doorstep. After a successful payment, the coffees are roasted to order, thus ensuring perfect freshness.

However, the first coffee is delivered as soon as possible (within 1-2 weeks) after which you will be synchronized to the general shipping schedule. Due to this, in some cases there may be even a three week gap between the first and second subscription coffees (if you choose every four weeks delivery, there may be a five week gap at most).

For more details about billing and shipping, please check here.