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Our Roasters

We work in co-operation with over 30 artisan roasters.

We are always looking for more artist roasters from Finland and abroad, so that we could bring you more delicious and sustainable coffees.


Abi Coffee

Abi Coffee is a small artisan roastery founded in 2020 in Kaarina, Turku. It is important for Abi Coffee to offer coffee combining characteristics important to Finns, such as quality and taste, and the opportunity to secure farmers’ livelihoods in the country of production. Abi Coffee currently imports three different 1st Class coffees from Ethiopia. Directly from the farmer without intermediaries. The coffee origins are traceable and the crop grows near the birthplace of their coffee expert, Helen Ghebrehiwet, in Sidamo, southern Ethiopia.

Café Nazca

Café Nazca is a roastery and a café founded in 2017 in Kuopio. The founder Karla Georgina Harzdorf works closely with a few farmers to offer their customers the highest quality coffee that has a transparent production chain. The name Nazca comes from the town in Peru near the desert with the mystical Nazca lines made by the Nazca people thousands of years ago for religious ceremonies. Nazca’s motto is to offer high quality coffee straight from the farmer to your coffee cup.

Cafetoria Roastery

Cafetoria Roastery is a Finnish micro roastery with a Latin heart. Peruvian Ivan Ore founded the roastery with his wife Mia Nikander-Ore in 2002. Cafetoria is one of the oldest micro roasteries in Finland and has very tight connections to their coffee farmers as well as a firm commitment to environmentally and socially sustainable coffee. Cafetoria’s motto “You didn’t choose coffee, coffee chose you” truly reflects their passion and love for coffee.

Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo

Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo is an artisan coffee roastery founded in 2011 by Benjamin Andberg. Andberg was fascinated by coffee from a young age. After years of practice and “Learning by burning”, in his own words, he decided to make his passion into an occupation. Andberg buys his coffee by Direct Trade, maintaining connections to the farmers and improving their living and working conditions as well as operating in an ethical and ecological way. NY Times mentioned Helsingin Kahvipaahtimo’s cafe in their list Five Places to go in Helsinki.

Nordic Coffee Company

A group of coffee lovers and flavour travellers created their own path at a roastery called Nordic Coffee Company. The founders believe that coffee is much more than just a morning drink. It is a window to different cultures and connections around the world. This belief drives the roastery’s people to carefully select coffee beans and build relationships with coffee producers around the world.!

Inka Paahtimo

It was when Pamela Aranciaga Mauricio, a future roaster at Inka Paahtimo, was in university in Denmark, that the soft and rich aromas of the coffee her friend made for them made a lasting impression. That paired with the Finn’s passion for coffee and Pamela’s roots in Peru, a country of high quality organic coffee, drove her to set up Inka Paahtimo in 2015. While volunteering in Peru, Pamela and her husband noticed that the impact of fairly and ethically produced coffee is remarkable for the producers. Now she works with her husband on coffee grown with high standards and respect for nature.

Kaffa Roastery

In 2009, students Svante Hampf and Benjamin Andberg shared a vision of a chain of coffee stores spanning through Finland. When they began to plan the coffee stores, they noticed that good enough coffee was hard to find. This made the vision transform into an idea of a coffee roastery, that would bring delicious high quality coffee to Finnish people. People at Kaffa know that excellent coffee is a process. Kaffa aims to bring out the unique flavours of every coffee and to produce ethical and traceable coffee. In 2017 Kaffa was voted the best cafe and the second best roastery in Finland.

Kahiwa Coffee Roasters

Kahiwa Coffee Roasters was founded in 2016 in Lahti, Finland. Joonas Reinikainen, the roast master, got his first experience of the coffee world while visiting the farm of his grandparents’ friends, which is also where he found out about ethical problems in coffee farms. This experience led him to start importing coffee directly from coffee farms, and later on roasting coffee by himself. Nowadays, the roaster’s ethical practices are easily visible to all, because they still acquire the coffee straight from the farms without any middlemen.


The former chef Joel Marttala, who is now the roastmaster and CEO at Kahwe, through his experience as a barista for about 7 years, changed his plan and decided to make coffee the smarter choice for his future. Located in Hatanpää, Tampere, the requirements for Kahwe are values, transparency and the benefit to the farmer. Kahwe’s strong suit is their seasonal selection, limited selection of varieties and their ability to roast all the way from light to dark.

Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo

Kirjalan Kahvipaahtimo is a small roastery established in late 2018 in Mikkeli. The roastery started in the heart of Kirjala’s old wooden house district, from where it moved to Heimari in the heart of lake Saimaa in the spring of 2020. At the same time, the company started their café business in Nuijamies, a district just outside downtown Mikkeli.The roastery sources their coffees with quality and accountability with the help of professionals to ensure that the relationship with coffee farms and producers is as worry-free and mutually beneficial as possible.

Lykke Kahvitilat

Lykke Kahvitilat was established in 2022 with the mission to create a more sustainable coffee business. Lykke challenges traditional business models by growing, buying and roasting coffee itself. The coffees are roasted by hand in Kuopio and Stockholm. In addition, some products are commissioned from other small roasters with unused capacity. Lykke owns coffee farms in partnership with local farmers in Latin America and Africa. By having their own people on the coffee farms every day of the year, they have a much greater say in quality and responsible production.


Mokkamestarit, founded in 1990, is the oldest functioning artisan roastery in Finland. Their coffee selection is extremely broad, including single origin coffees, coffee blends and flavoured coffees. Mokkamestarit also owns one of the most impressive roasting arsenals in Finland. Over the years the Mokkamestarit brand has grown to include the roastery, wholesale all around Finland, two coffee stores, a coffee shop, the Teetaikurit tea brand and a Coffee School, where they teach both professionals and home baristas.

Paahtimo Papu

Paahtimo Papu is a small roastery from Jyväskylä, founded in 2014, which is a balanced blend of better and more sustainable coffee. As a roastery, we specialize in organic as well as darker roasts. We are looking for rich and soft origin country coffees for our selection. After certification, Organic became their thing, and it still is! They also added Organic tea into their selection quite fast. The world of Organic coffee took them by surprise and things got out of hand in 2015. The roastery capacity had to be dramatically made larger and the roasting machine upgraded to a Probatone25.

Makea Coffee

The roastery always wants to bring a party to the drinker’s tongue with their coffee. Coffee should be a taste experience, not just a stimulant or a habit. The raw coffee is bought in cooperation with the producers, who can share the exact origin but also the cost structure of the coffee. With this, we can tell our customers the exact compensation compared to the market price of coffee. This number is also written in the coffee bag as a percentage.

Pirkanmaan Paahtimo

Pirkanmaan Paahtimo was founded in 2011 in Tampere. The founder Teijo Villa says that once he got acquainted to the world of specialty coffee, the interest towards the production process naturally followed. Pirkanmaan Paahtimo invests in transparency and quality. All coffees are first test roasted to see, if they fit the Pirkanmaan Paahtimo quality standards. Their selection is broad and divided into chocolaty, fruity and citrusy coffees. Pirkanmaan paahtimo coffees are extremely well liked and they even have a celebratory coffee for Finland’s 100th anniversary in 2017.

ROST & Co.

Rost & Co. is still a virtually new name in the Finnish coffee scene. It was founded in 2016 from the coffee company Kaffecentralen. They sell both coffee blends and seasonal single origin coffees. They are quite successful in the sense that their Finca Montejo was selected as the best filter coffee of 2017 in Finland. The most important thing to ROST is that they prepare their coffee with love. Coffee is meant to taste good and perk you up, whether or not you want to enjoy it slowly or just scarf it up

Turun Kahvipaahtimo

Turun Kahvipaahtimo is an artisan roastery founded in 2009 in Turku by two brothers working in a family owned coffee shop. They roast only raw coffees that truly impress them. They don’t have a permanent coffee selection because they exclusively select carefully picked small batches, that are roasted based on each bean’s characteristics. The most important factor for them is a distinctive flavour profile, so they do almost exclusively light roasts only. Their coffees have been used to win the 2010, 2012 and 2014 Barista Championships of Finland.

Roger’s Coffee

Roger’s Coffee was founded in 2015 by Roger Snellman. He started roasting in his garage and had been doing it until he founded a concept store with his wife, where they also sell his coffee. Roger orders his coffees from a coffee stockist in London and only buys coffees with a cupping score of 80 or higher. He roasts with a slow roast method that enables the coffee to release its specific unique flavours.



19grams works with farmers from all over the world who use innovative and sustainable farming techniques to grow high quality, delicious coffees we know you will love. In 2018 they rebranded the company name to 19grams with a cafe in Friedrichshain. They have three other cafés; one in Kreuzberg and two in Mitte, where their new roastery and training lab is located, right in the heart of the great city of Berlin.

Café Blá

It is clear that coffee excites Jacob, the founder of Café Blá. The aim of Café Blá is to share his excitement and enthusiasm with others! It is simple: carefully sourced, individual and, most importantly, delicious coffees roasted with love and care. Many hands touch the coffee before it gets roasted.

I want to showcase the coffees and the people behind them, highlighting the unique flavours of the different coffee growing regions, varieties and processing methods to do justice to their hard work producing the beans.

Vits Kaffee GmbH & Co.KG

Vits Kaffee roastery was founded in 2006 and is located in the middle of Munich. Their coffee is like their work team and the café’s guests: colourful and diverse, exciting and surprising. In a relaxed and laid-back atmosphere, they want to invite you to immerse yourself in the wide world of coffee. They have combined their roastery and café under one roof, so that anyone visiting can experience both the creation of coffee from the raw bean and the finished drink on site.

Wildkaffee Rösterei

As early as 1892, Leonhard Panholzer and his wife Maria founded a grocery store at the Alter Bahnhof in Partenkirchen, where he also traded roasted coffee from a small, fine Hamburg coffee roastery. At that time it was still a real rarity, because the art of coffee roasting was still largely unknown. The passion for high-quality coffee has prevailed in the family. A good 120 years later, his great-grandson Leonhard Wild, known as Hardi, took up this idea anew and, together with his wife Stefanie, founded the Wildkaffee Rösterei, the first coffee roastery in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Kawa Kaffeemanefaktur

Kawa Kaffeemanefaktur is a small independent family coffee roasting company, located in Berlin. In 2016 they roasted their very first coffee beans.

We specialise mainly in the roasting of chocolaty coffee. This is also the principle on which we look for our green coffee beans. Thereby we create a balancing act between the classic coffee taste and the modern roasting methods.


The founders of Roestkaffee are committed to finding the best coffees in the world. They have chosen to only roast carefully selected Single Origins or country coffees, some of them directly from their own home country Colombia and other countries in South America. They consciously use their Colombian origins, their deep understanding of the local people and the great privilege of an exchange at eye level in a very targeted way to get actively involved in social projects. With every pack of coffee you buy, you help them to do so.


PasoPaso is a coffee roastery in Hannover, Germany and it’s owned by coffee producers.⁠

Their company is owned and guided by pioneering coffee farmers and in doing so, they are creating an unique connection to enjoy coffee like never before. They handle each step from planting the seeds to roasting the coffee and defy the current economic system and challenge the coffee industry to rethink ownership, trade relations and value distribution.⁠

Käthe Kaffee

Käthe Kaffee’s goal is to give coffee more appreciation, to ensure a fair income for the producers and to make their processes sustainable. Investments in tree planting projects are important to them – “because everyone loves forests.” The roastery operates in Kaiserkiez, Oldenburg, in northwest Germany not too far from the Danish border.

Wood Grouse Coffee Roasters

Wood Grouse Coffee Roasters is a specialty coffee roastery based in Hannover, Germany, where they collaborate with Panama Coffee and share both their knowledge and equipment.

“We are one of the oldest ‘third wave’ coffee roasters in Hannover, at least in our view. So the coffee is of the highest quality, but the beans can also be easily traced back to the farm, and the sale of the coffee is of real benefit to the farmers who grow it.

Populus Coffee

Populus Coffee is a family-owned, independent specialty coffee company with strong roots in the Nordic and a home in Neukölln, Berlin. They roast and brew exceptional, exciting and experimental coffees from some of the best producers in the world. Populus was founded in 2015 by a Finnish couple Sari and Henrik Haavisto.

Main Lane Coffee Roasters

Main Lane is a progressive and producer focused roaster located in Berlin, Germany. The roastery was founded with the goal to challenge and overcome the common perception of sustainability, the so-called fair trade, and social responsibility. Direct partnerships are therefore a key factor to reach that goal. During their journey in the specialty coffee sector, they have already built solid relationships with origins and producers. It is important for the roastery to work with farmers that share the same vision and ideas of sustainability as well as social responsibility.


Townsfolk Coffee

Townsfolk Coffee is a specialty coffee bar and roastery located in Kanazawa, Japan. Established in July 2020, the coffee shop is a unique blend of Danish and Japanese coffee cultures, ensuring a distinctive and memorable experience. The people of the coffee shop pride themselves on serving only the highest quality coffee, drawing from their rich background working at notable establishments such as NOZY COFFEE in Mishuku, Tokyo, and Prolog Coffee Bar in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Weekenders Coffee

WEEKENDERS has been open since 2005, when it began as a more traditional Japanese coffee shop under a different name. The shop started its coffee roasting operation in 2011, and the Tominokoji location of WEEKENDERS in Kyoto opened in 2016. In 2019 the roastery was moved closer to Tominokoji. The coffee is roasted with an eye to creating a three-dimensional coffee with a lingering taste with a firm sweetness and acidity on top. The green coffee beans are selected by purchasing them from the producing regions, the individuality of the beans is brought out by roasting, and the extraction technique is used to make a great cup of coffee.

Takamura Coffee Roasters

Yuya Iwasaki is responsible for quality control at Takamura Wine and Coffee Roasters in Osaka’s Edogawa district. He was a runner-up at the Japan Coffee Roasting Championship in 2018 and winner at the Japan Aeropress Championship Roast Competition in 2019. One of their baristas made it to the final level of the Japan Hand Drip Championship in 2017 and they say their focus has been on participating in competitions over the last few years.

Tokado Coffee

Naoki Goto boasts a commendable record in both domestic and international competitions, most notably clinching the title at the World Coffee Roasting Championship in 2013. He honed his craft under the mentorship of Mr. Mamoru Taguchi, where he mastered the foundational skills of roasting.

Glitch Coffee

Mr Suzuki, owner and roaster of Glitch coffee, started his career under Paul Basset Tokyo, the world barista champion in 2003. He was engaged in the opening cafes in Asian countries such as South Korea. He won the Japan Aeropress coffee championship 2014, then opened his cafe in Jinbo-cho in Tokyo, where the Japanese historical coffee culture oriented. He has been exploring single origin speciality coffee, with which he expresses the individual and unique flavours. Mr Suzuki focuses solely on lightly roasting only the best coffee beans. He wants to devote his life to roasting coffee from the farmers he truly respects.

Leaves Coffee

LEAVES COFFEE was started in 2016. The roaster Mr. Ishii has a 20-year career in the restaurant business since he was a teenager and he started working in the speciality coffee industry in 2010. He was a professional boxer in Tokyo. In 2019, he started roasting as Leaves Coffee Roasters with the concept of “from the small town roastery to the world“. He became a barista and self-learned to roast and established his own style.

Rokumei Coffee Co.

Mr Koji Ida started roasting coffee beans at the Rococo Coffee, a family-run coffee shop in Nara back in 2011. He gained his Q Grader licence in 2013 and was awarded 6th place at the Japan Coffee Roasting Championship after the first challenge. He opened his own roastery, ROKUMEI COFFEE Co, in Nara in 2015. In 2018 he won the Japan Roasting Championship and participated in the World Coffee Roasting Championship in 2019.

Passage Coffee

Mr. Sasaki, owner and roaster of PASSAGE COFFEE, has been engaged in the coffee industry for 15 years. He started his career under Paul Basset Tokyo, the world barista champion in 2003, and learnt brewing and roasting techniques at his coffee shop, the PAUL BASSET Tokyo. Mr. Sasaki became the World AeroPress Champion in 2014, then opened Passage Coffee in 2017 and its roastery started a year later.

Ituka Coffee

Ituka Coffee was founded in 2004 in Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Mr. Kondo learned to roast there as a trainee first and was hired as a roaster later. He won the Japan Coffee Roasting Championship in 2016. In 2018, he went to Taiwan for a working holiday and worked at a roastery there. After that, returned to Ituka Coffee and he took over as the Managing Director of Ituka coffee in 2020. They create products that are particular about everything from material selection to roasting and sorting so that you can enjoy the taste of each type of coffee. The roastery roasts their coffees with Fuji Royal 5kg.

Koto Coffee Roasters

After travelling to 80 countries around the world in his 20’s, Mr Sakata realised speciality coffee and its ecosystem had the potential to reduce poverty in developing countries. So he opened Koto Coffee Roasters in Nara in 2017, serving coffee and roasted beans.

Coffee County

After studying engineering at university, Mr Mori dived into the coffee industry. He worked at a roastery while studying the skills required to manage a roastery himself. During this time, he travelled to central America and lived on a farm in Nicaragua for several months. From his time spent on the farm, Mr Mori gained invaluable knowledge around coffee production. After returning to Japan in 2013, he opened COFFEE COUNTY in Kurume, Fukuoka.

Golpie Coffee

Mr Kawai was born into a family-owned coffee wholesale company and started his carrier at a coffee company in Tokyo after he graduated from university. Being attracted to the Pacamara at El Injerto farm in Guatemala, he decided to devote his life to specialty coffee. In 2015, he opened GOLPIE COFFEE in Nagoya and in the same year won the Japan Roasting Championship. With his concept “Vision of Identity”, Mr Kawai directly sources coffees after cupping them himself at the farm.