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Slurp Christmas Calendar #24
Inka Paahtimo: Costa Rica La Ortiga

Slurp Christmas Calendar #24
Inka Paahtimo: Costa Rica La Ortiga
2019-12-23 Nobuko Utsunomiya

Cinnamon · Cardamom · Caramel

Costa Rica La Ortiga lot

Inka Paahtimo

Roaster: Pamela Aranciaga Mauricio
Roast: light

Luis Eduardo Campos passionately experiments with different processing methods on his farm. For anaerobic processing, the cherries must be extremely ripe. The coffee is pulped and placed with all its mucilage in fermentation tanks. Additional mucilage from other cherries, calibrated very accurately to obtain the gel of the mucilage, is added to the fermentation tanks. After thorough mixing, the tanks are hermetically sealed. During fermentation, the resulting CO2 exerts a high pressure on the beans and allows the flavours of the coffee juices to penetrate inside the parchment.

Country: Costa Rica
Region: Tarrazu
Farm: Cordillera de Fuego
Farmer: Luis Eduardo Campos
Varieties: Red Catuai
Growing Altitude: 1750m
Processing: Honey anaerobic

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