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#145 Kaffa Roastery: Lempeä Voima

#145 Kaffa Roastery: Lempeä Voima
2020-08-14 Miyuki Ito

Dark chocolate・Red grape・Raisin

Lempeä Voima

Kaffa Roastery

Roaster: Michael Akins

Kaffa Roasterys Classic, Lempeä Voima is a medium roasted filter coffee. Powerful and full-bodied Colombian blended with sweet and syrupy Ugandan natural coffee. Well roasted low acidity coffee with smooth and pleasant finish.

Country: Colombia/Uganda
Region: Rio Sucio, Caldas (Col) / Mount Rewenzori (Uga)
Farm: San Lorenzo (Col) / Great lakes Coffee (Uga)
Farmer: Variuos smallholders
Varieties: Caturra, Castillo (Col) /SL14, SL28 (Uga)
Growing Altitude: 1300-2300 m
Processing: washed (Col) / natural (Uga)


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