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#130 Rogers Coffee: Costa Rica

#130 Rogers Coffee: Costa Rica
2020-01-21 Nobuko Utsunomiya

Almonds in caramel · Lemon · Milk chocolate

Costa Rica

Rogers Coffee

Roasted: 08/01/2019
Roaster: Martins Kubulnieks

Cooperativa de Caficultores y Servicios Múltiples de Tarrazú (COOPETARRAZU) is a coffee farming cooperative located in the central region of the San Marcos de Tarrazú Mountains, one of the most famous coffee-growing regions in Costa Rica. Coope Tarrazu has about 4,000 members, of which about one-third are women. The overwhelming majority are smallholders with less than 10-hectare farms.
Have a nice cup!

Country: Costa Rica
Region: Tarrazu
Farm: COOPE Tarrazu
Farmer: Various smallholders
Varieties: Catimor, Caturra
Growing Altitude: 1400-1700m
Processing: Washed


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