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Slurp Christmas calendar #1
Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Nicaragua La Sorpresa

Slurp Christmas calendar #1
Kahiwa Coffee Roasters: Nicaragua La Sorpresa
2019-12-01 Nobuko Utsunomiya

Milk Chocolate · Cranberry · Silky

Nicaragua La Sorpresa

Kahiwa Coffee Roasters

Paahtaja: Joonas Reinikainen

15years ago Jesús Blandon started a farm on a small plot of land in Aranjuez, Jinotega. The farm has grown steadily and is already 5 hectares and work with three types of coffee beans: Catuaí, Caturra and Maragogype. The farms name came after the surprising birth of his daughter (La Sorpresa means Surprise). For 5 years, Jesús, who has dedicated himself to improving his crop, has gone against the traditions of the area and sold his coffee directly to the roasters, basing the price directly on the bean quality.

Country: Nicaragua
Region: Aranjuez, Jinotega
Farm: La Sopresa
Farmer: Jesús Blandon
Varieties: Catuaí, Caturra
Growing Altitude (MASL): 1380m
Processing: Washed

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