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#136 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Hamburg Special Edition

#136 Holmen Coffee: Holmen Hamburg Special Edition
2020-04-10 Miyuki Ito


Dark milk chocolate · Mild spices · Red berries 

Holmen Hamburg Special Edition

Holmen Coffee

Roaster: Junho Suzuki
Roasted: 30/03/2020

The “Experimenting with different roast profiles” journey continues! This time we wanted to make an extra dark extra cracky version of our Holmen Hamburg! Dark as Midnight and equally tasty! The times are hard for all of us, so a good dark, tasty but soft coffee is just what we need! Everyday Luxury in your home — our main idea at Holmen Coffee is so perfect at these times. Let this coffee made with Love be a <3 message from us and Slurp!

Country: Guatemala, Cuba
Region: Huehuetenango (Guat), Sierra Maestre (Cub)
Farm: Various small farmers
Farmer: Many nice
Varieties: Bourbon, Catai, Carturra, Typica-Guatemala; Typica-Cuba
Growing Altitude: 1350-2000m(Guat), 1600-2000m (Cub)
Processing: Washed and loved


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